
# 1: My Re-enchantment Story.

“#1 of what?” I wasn’t sure either until yesterday. Exactly ten months ago, having closed me up after performing open heart surgery on me, Dr. Sharma found Terry in the waiting room and asked her, “why is he not dead?” Hearing this later freaked me out. Now, after walking a hundred miles recovering, therapy sessions, meditation, and consultations with astrologers and the I-Ching, I know the real reason I’m not dead: I still have work to do.

First, I assumed that since I was still alive that I must be doing the work I didn’t die in order to do, unsure of exactly what that was. This worked for a few months. Then, I started wondering what specific work I’m supposed to be doing.

Many of you familiar with my IG know that I post photos of dragonflies and the red colors the setting sun leaves on the cliffs across the valley. I’ve documented my ‘dragonfly encounters’ for nearly two decades. I’ve gathered these into a book which I’m nearly ready to submit for publication. After reading a recent digital draft of it an editor I greatly respect said, “I searched your book and found only one reference to ‘re-enchantment’.” She said, “it seems like that is what it’s really all about.”  Although I hadn’t thought about it, I knew she was right.

Now, I’ve discovered that not only is my dragonfly book about ‘re-enchantment’, but so is my work, the work I’m still alive to do.  I now wonder if ‘re-enchantment’ might be the antidote to human extinction. Realizing that this might be true comes with big responsibility.

Say I’m right. Then what better work could I be doing that spreading seeds of re-enchantment as far and wide as possible, confident that they’ll sprout and grow? Based on what I’m learning, this is simple.  Re-enchantment isn’t changing anything but our point of view. The earth has never NOT been enchanted. Re-enchanting our lives is remembering this and living accordingly.

I’m not completely sure of what this means, but I’m learning. I’ll be posting information that I find and hear and dream that helps me re-enchant my own life. And I hope you’ll post stories about your own enchantment.

I’ll keep posting photos I find enchanting.

Stay tuned.